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Who We Are

Protecting & Restoring Lands & Waterways

The Geneva Lake Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported by contributions from people and organizations who  believe in the importance of protecting the scenic beauty, natural lands and waterways of Walworth County, Wisconsin.  The county is home to glacial lakes, formed over 10,000 years ago, rich agricultural lands, environmental corridors, gently rolling scenic vistas, and a legacy of culture and history that are threatened by urban sprawl and short-sighted developmental goals.  The Conservancy is dedicated to supporting government policies that protect natural areas, lakes and working lands.  We seek to educate adults and children on the importance of nature and ecological health.  We offer a variety of public nature preserves for hiking and wildlife viewing and numerous special events and programs to support our mission

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Maria Crawford lake with swing.jpg

Photo by: Maria Crawford

Our Mission

The MISSION of the Geneva Lake Conservancy is to protect and restore the lands and waterways of Walworth County and beyond. 


Our GOALS are to preserve open lands in Walworth County that protect wildlife habitat, watersheds, working lands, scenic beauty and that help slow climate change.  In addition, we seek to prevent our lakes and waterways from pollution by phosphorus and other nutrients and to preserve our aquatic ecosystems.  We educate landowners and others on how they can make their residences and work environments more ecologically healthy and seek to teach children the wonders of nature.


Our Approach

Our Approach
Hansen Preserve


The Conservancy's mission and goals are carried out in three principal ways.


Protect land with high conservation value through land purchases, donation, and conservation easements.


Advocate for land use decisions that protect lakes and land and reduce density.

Educate landowners to improve ecological health of their land and community. 


Our Leadership Team

Board of Directors

Our board members bring a wealth of experience and expertise in environmental conservation, sustainability, and community engagement. Their passion drives our mission forward.


Our staff at Geneva Lake Conservancy work tirelessly to support our mission and are crucial to the successful day-to-day operations. Without them, our programs and activities could not happen. 

Geneva Lake Conservancy Group


Excellence. Trust. Accountability.

Gathering Waters Logo


Accredited Land Trust Logo

A Mark of Distinction

The Accreditation Seal Affirms national quality standards are met.

  • Sound Finances

  • Ethical Conduct

  • Responsible Governance

  • Lasting Stewardship

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